Monday, May 16, 2016

Cossacks: Back To War  [www_gamespot_com]
{"Use as backup purpose only"} Back to War is difficult to recommend to anyone who isn't a die-hard fan of the Cossacks series.

Cossacks: Back to War is the second expansion pack in the Cossacks series, but it's different from the previous expansion, Art of War, in a few ways. For instance, Back to War is a stand-alone product, and it doesn't actually have a single-player campaign. That's right, it offers only single-player scenarios--101 to be exact--a few of new nations, a handful of new units, and a multiplayer component. This is both good and bad. Back to War has the same grt gameplay of the previous two Cossacks games, but is it rlly enough to justify another expansion?

You may or may not be familiar with the Cossacks series--a set of rl-time strategy games set in 16th-18th century Europe. The series has always let you choose to play as one of many nations, ch with its own historically-themed architecture and units. One of the Cossacks series' most unique aspects is that its engine can accommodate thousands of individual units on the battlefield at once. You might think that handling so many soldiers at once would be chaotic, but your units do a pretty good job of staying in formation on their own. Also, the Cossacks engine lets you group together many units into a single army that acts as a single unit. You can then move several of these armies in formation to avoid unnecessary micromanagement during a pitched battle. Full:
Cossacks: Back To War gameplay

Download link(s): (rapidshare) : Qvasta
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